Training of staff in project Smarta Fabriker


Studerande på Göteborgs Tekniska College och GTG.


Knowledge transfer and training of students who will be working at the Smart Factories booth at the Underhåll (Maintenance) Trade Fair in March 2018.

Educational goal

Participants will learn the content of the training module in order to prepare them to explain what has taken place in the Smart Factories project previously, and why the factory is smart, in an educational, convincing manner.


Fabriken byggdes av studenter under våren 2017 och har därefter förbättrats med olika studentarbeten. I samband med Underhållsmässan i mars 2018 kommer fabriken köras skarpt och i anslutning till den kommer besökarna få ta del av upplevelsebaserade workshops. Materialet nedan är olika områden som monterpersonalen skall kunna prata om med besökarna.

Other info

Once you have covered each section, answer the questions below:

- What is meant by a smart factory being an attractive factory?

- Describe the manufacturing flow in the factory.

- Provide examples of three problems which were solved with the help of 3D printing.

- How does 3D printing work?

- How many different types of digital copies of the factory exist? Describe them, and what they are used for.

- How can you find out about the health of the factory?

- What is meant by Virtual Commissioning?

- Provide a benefit of working with visual project management?

- Give an example of how the design of the factory has been changed to become more maintenance friendly.

- What is the best way of reducing the factory’s environmental impact?

- What types of assembly instructions are used in the factory?

- What is meant by Remote guidance?


Johan Bengtsson, Göteborgs Tekniska College